Experience Collazzone

Check out all the events Of the municipality of Collazzone. From join traditional feasts, national and international cultural events, festivals, fairs, tasty food, wine tastings, and magical historical reenactments - a world waiting to discover.


The torchlight procession of canalicchio

Every 1st of May, as the dark falls, the Canalicchio village's streets are lit up with a blazing red - dozens and dozens of burning torches are carried shoulder-to-shoulder in slow procession by villagers from the historic center to the nearby Monastery of San Fortunato. An evocative event and a unique atmosphere for a ritual to witness live at least once.

the tournament of the wards in collepepe

Country, Prisons and Ditches, Fabbrareccia, Mine. Collepepe's four neighborhoods compete each year at the town's patron saint's festivals in incredible challenges - volleyball and five-a-side football matches, a trump race and the legendary cart race decree the winner of the "Winners' Plate" each year. Sports and entertainment combined with festive evenings, music, and good food in the village squares and streets.

ferragosto in casalalta

The enchanting village of Casalalta lights up the nights of Ferragosto with the splendor of its festive evenings. Traditional religious rites, gala dinners in the square, lots of music, dancing, and fun. But also art, painting, and games for the little ones. There is no reason to miss the enchanting summer sunsets to gaze from the Old Town Square for an unparalleled experience.

lighting antique oven in Collazzone

At Collazzone, from Halloween night throughout the year, the ancient ovens of the town's villages are lit up again. Where for centuries the people of the castles gathered to bake bread, today - in conjunction with major events - the stokers return to bring to light symbols of the history and the daily life of these villages.

the challenge of the century

A duel destined to enter the annals and rewrite the history books. The villages of Casalata and Canalicchio battle it out with recipes, ladles, and pans in an epic cook-off. Between mouth-watering delicacies and exquisite delicacies, the "Challenge of the Century" is a triumph of the flavors of our area.